Should I be able to create a DNG 6.0.3 Artifacts filter using the Implemented By link type?

Continuous Engineering 6.0.3, ifix 001.
I have DNG, RQM, and RTC project areas associated with each other.
I am working in the context of a global configuration. I'm able to create Implemented By links from DNG artifacts to RTC work items. I'm able to create Validated By links from DNG artifacts to RQM test cases.
I am not able to filter a DNG artifacts view based on the existence (or absence) of an Implemented By link.
Further, I'm not able to filter a DNG artifacts view based on the existence (or absence) of a Validated By link.
Is this expected behavior? That is, is it expected that I can't filter DNG views based on cross-domain link types?
One answer

When you filter, select "Limit by lifecycle status" to filter by the linked development and test artifacts. You can filter based on existence/non-existence ("all"/"none") of the link, and also to some extent on the status of the linked artifact (e.g. "passed/failed"). You're correct that those cross-application link types aren't shown if you select the "Link types" filter.