What causes "CRJAZ1990E"
From last 2 days, I have been receiving the below error:
One or more diagnostics is reporting a problem. See details below.
The diagnostic "Background Task" reports an ERROR:
CRJAZ1990E 3 tasks have been unscheduled due to unexpected errors, including the task "com.ibm.team.repository.DbHeartbeat". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
The JTS.log says: 2015-05-28 00:00:47,188 [ Thread-407] WARN org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient - Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {oauth=WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="https%3A%2F%2Fclm.c-iv.org%2Fjts", oauth_problem="invalid_consumer_key"}
There is nothing in CCM.log for the same time.
I have restarted the server and will monitor if the issue comes back.
But want to understand, what is causing this issue? and how to fix it. Besides JTS and CCM, what are the relevant logs to check?
Please let me know.
Accepted answer
Regarding your error message, I would recommend you to look into ccm.log and see during the connection with which server this error appears.
Kevin Ramer
May 28 '15, 1:33 p.m.The DbHeartbeat can happen when the connectivity to the database is lost for more than a few minutes. I have several RTC application servers that show this due to our SAN switches loosing power, thus causing our databases to fail until power was restored.
RTC kept going for the most part, but the messages about scheduled tasks remains.
I would also add the suggestion to check any diagnostics on your database management system.
Pravin Patil
May 28 '15, 7:25 p.m.I got to know from the DBA team that the number of minimum session connecting to database is 14 and maximum is 15. The sessions keep fluctuating between 14 and 15 and that is causing the disconnectivity of RTC application to Database.
Is there a way in setup of RTC/WAS/IHS/Jazz, that I can update the minimum and maximum number of sessions to be 15?
what is the recommended session value?
Donald Nong
May 29 '15, 1:06 a.m.The database connection limit should be maintained by the database, not the application such as RTC. For general performance tuning, you can read the below article.