How to achieve multilevel(Plan-Case-Script) report for RQM in RPE?
I'm using the Tutorial about "RQM Multi Level Report Tutorial" found on the wiki. The report list the test scripts for each test case in the test plan (3 levels)
It says that I should have in my report 4 data sources :
I have configure the TestPlan_feed manually on the .dsx and the TestCase_Details dynamically using the "Data Source Configuration" box on the report (as the tutorial says so).
I have achieve to list the test cases in the test plan. But I dont know how to configure the TestCase_Feed. Should I configure the TestCase_Feed manually also in the .dsx? If I do that it list all the test cases not only the one from the test plan. Or should I do it dynamically? Can some one help me please. I dont understand that important point on the Tutorial
This is the link to the tutorial I'm using!/wiki/Rational%20Publishing%20Engine/page/Tutorials%20from%20the%20old%20RPE%20wiki
Is the number 11. I'm stuck on Stage 4, dont know how to configure the TestCase_feed some help please!
Accepted answer
TestPlan_feed - The URL and credentials to be provided in .dsx
TestCase_Details - Data source URI is configured using DSC element. Use feed/entry/content/testplan/testcase/href (from TestPlan_feed)
TestScript_Details - Data source URI is configured using DSC element. Use testcase/testscript/href (from TestCase_Details)