Test Case XML Schema for Excel Import Problems
I am having trouble creating the xml schema. I am looking for the default xml schema for test cases. The problem is when I map it in Excel and try to save it as XML date I get the following error message " Cannot save or export XML data. The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable.
1. I created the XML schema for multiple test cases. I want to copy paste several cases at once.
2. I imported the map to Excel
3. I try to save as XML data but I get the following error message "Cannot save or export XML data. The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable. "
The fields I need are:
Test case Name
Test Phase
I used the following XMLSchema:
2 answers
Click the link below and scroll to the section titled, "When I export XML data, a message tells me that the XML maps in my workbook are not exportable." to see what Microsoft has to say about the reasons and adjust your schema or data accordingly: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/export-xml-data-HP010206401.aspx