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Test Case XML Schema for Excel Import Problems

Javier Calderon (1111) | asked Jan 22 '13, 11:43 a.m.

I am having trouble creating the xml schema. I am looking for the default xml schema for test cases. The problem is when I map it in Excel and try to save it as XML date I get the following error message " Cannot save or export XML data. The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable.


1. I created the XML schema for multiple test cases. I want to copy paste several cases at once.

2. I imported the map to Excel

3. I try to save as XML data but I get the following error message "Cannot save or export XML data. The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable. "

The fields I need are:

Test case Name








Test Phase


I used the following XMLSchema:

- <testcase>
  <category term="Category" value="" />
  <category term="Function" value="" />
  <category term="Theme" value="" />

2 answers

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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Jan 23 '13, 9:30 p.m.
 Hi Javier, 
I'm not quite sure about your scenario, it's more like an Excel functionality.
you can refer the link for test case schema

for the RQM tool.

permanent link
Shai Millen-EL (877) | answered Jul 29 '14, 11:34 a.m.
You are receiving this message because your mapping is invalid for some reason or another. If you click the "Verify Map for Export..." link in Excel (its located just under the Options and XML Maps buttons) it will tell you why it can't be exported.

Click the link below and scroll to the section titled, "When I export XML data, a message tells me that the XML maps in my workbook are not exportable." to see what Microsoft has to say about the reasons and adjust your schema or data accordingly:

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