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URL doesn't work when ?debug=true is missing

I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true in URL.

https://localhost:9443/jazz/web/projects/TAC#action=jazz.viewPage&id=com.ibm.af.capacity.web.ViewPlan (doesn't work)

https://localhost:9443/jazz/web/projects/TAC#?debug=true#action=jazz.viewPage&id=com.ibm.af.capacity.web.ViewPlan (does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"));

Any suggestion?

0 votes

9 answers

Permanent link
What is the text of the error being reported ?

You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but still
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true in

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?

You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but still
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true in

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd. eval()
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode object,
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of my code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library (_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the firebug "watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100% !important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none !important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input, .dijitSpinner input{ background-color: white !important;}/* .dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid */.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color: rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152); }/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200); /*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table: Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none ;}.SaveBottomDiv{ display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color: rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal; font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header cell font weight should be bold for columns which are sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important; }/*When the mouse is over the colummn header */.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image: none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width: 1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100% !important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative; overflow: auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content { position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none; outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row column*/.dojoxGrid-row { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none; border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top: none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right !important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color: #CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color: gray !important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color: #CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color: #F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /* rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar. Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none; border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200); background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{ border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid #F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none; background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{ background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell { border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus { /*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background: white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background: #D8E7EB;}/*.com-ibm-epm-web-core-ui-internal-templates-EPMGrid .dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra .dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none !important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6 !important;}"

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd. eval()
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode object,
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
If you use debugDojo=true on the URL you should be able to find the dojo
code where its failing. From the looks of it the creation of the DOM
node from you template string is failing. In dijit._Templated there is
this code :

node = dijit._Templated._createNodesFromText(this._stringRepl(cached));

You can look at the value of the templateString property of your widget
to see the text being parsed.

One another think to check is that you do not have any errors logged to
the console.

Jazz WebUI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of my
code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library
(_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the
details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the firebug
"watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white;
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100%
!important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none
!important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input, .dijitSpinner
input{ background-color: white !important;}/*
dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color:
rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152);
}/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It
does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position:
absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
/*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table:
Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed;
width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none ;}.SaveBottomDiv{
display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column
headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px
solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color:
rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal;
font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header cell
font weight should be bold for columns which are
sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important;
}/*When the mouse is over the colummn header
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image:
none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width:
1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual
data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside
the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute;
overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100%
!important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative; overflow:
auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content {
position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none;
outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row column*/.dojoxGrid-row
{ position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none;
border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top:
none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable {
color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color: gray
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color:
#F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /*
rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar.
Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row
column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none;
border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{
border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid
#F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none;
background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{
background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none;
background-position: center; background-repeat:
no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width:
0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell {
border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus {
/*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid
white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background:
white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background:
dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra
definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra
dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none
!important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd.
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
If I use "?debugDojo=true" in URL, I just find this on firebug console, nothing else

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module eval failed

Only when I use "break on all errors" option, I find the details (mentioned in the previous post).

I actually use a "templatePath" rather than "templateString".

Here is the HTML file

Overload factor
<div> </div>
Realization factor
<div> </div>
Ignore resource category
<div> </div>
All plans (include rejected teams)
<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>

Also, I don't think I have used console.error any where if that is what you mean by "logging errors on console".

If you use debugDojo=true on the URL you should be able to find the dojo
code where its failing. From the looks of it the creation of the DOM
node from you template string is failing. In dijit._Templated there is
this code :

node = dijit._Templated._createNodesFromText(this._stringRepl(cached));

You can look at the value of the templateString property of your widget
to see the text being parsed.

One another think to check is that you do not have any errors logged to
the console.

Jazz WebUI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of my
code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library
(_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the
details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the firebug
"watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white;
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100%
!important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none
!important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input, .dijitSpinner
input{ background-color: white !important;}/*
dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color:
rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152);
}/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It
does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position:
absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
/*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table:
Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed;
width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none ;}.SaveBottomDiv{
display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column
headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px
solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color:
rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal;
font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header cell
font weight should be bold for columns which are
sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important;
}/*When the mouse is over the colummn header
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image:
none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width:
1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual
data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside
the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute;
overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100%
!important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative; overflow:
auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content {
position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none;
outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row column*/.dojoxGrid-row
{ position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none;
border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top:
none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable {
color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color: gray
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color:
#F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /*
rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar.
Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row
column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none;
border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{
border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid
#F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none;
background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{
background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none;
background-position: center; background-repeat:
no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width:
0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell {
border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus {
/*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid
white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background:
white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background:
dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra
definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra
dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none
!important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd.
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
Even though you use templatePath for optimization purposes this is
converted to a templateString on the server to avoid an additional HTTP
request for the template. When using debug=true the optimization does
not occur. That's probably why it works with debug=true. I would try
removing the commented out html from the file. This might be failing the
parse in the dojo code.

When I said console I meant on the server

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
If I use "?debugDojo=true" in URL, I just find this on
firebug console, nothing else

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

Only when I use "break on all errors" option, I find the
details (mentioned in the previous post).

I actually use a "templatePath" rather than

Here is the HTML file

Overload factor
<div> </div
Realization factor
<div> </div
Ignore resource category
<div> </div
All plans (include rejected teams)
<div> </div

<div> </div

<div> </div

Also, I don't think I have used console.error any where if that is
what you mean by "logging errors on console".

If you use debugDojo=true on the URL you should be able to find the
code where its failing. From the looks of it the creation of the DOM

node from you template string is failing. In dijit._Templated there
this code :

node =
You can look at the value of the templateString property of your
to see the text being parsed.

One another think to check is that you do not have any errors logged
the console.

Jazz WebUI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of
code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library
(_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the
details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the
"watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white;
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100%
!important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none
!important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input,
input{ background-color: white !important;}/*
dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color:
rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152);
}/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It
does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position:
absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
/*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table:
Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed;
width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none
display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column
headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px
solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color:
rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal;
font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header
font weight should be bold for columns which are
sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important;
}/*When the mouse is over the colummn header
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image:
none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width:
1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual
data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside
the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute;
overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100%
!important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative;
auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content {
position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none;
outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row
{ position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none;
border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top:
none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable
color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color:
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color:
#F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /*
rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar.
Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row
column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none;
border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{
border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid
#F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none;
background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{
background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none;
background-position: center; background-repeat:
no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width:
0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell {
border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus {
/*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid
white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background:
white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background:
dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra
definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra
dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none
!important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd.
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
I tested line by line and finally found that this is the problem in my code

templateCssPath: dojo.moduleUrl("com.ibm.af.capacity.web", "ui/internal/page/templates/ViewPlan.css"),

I had to comment out "templateCssPath" to fix the problem. Usage of "templateCssPath" is cited in several dojo examples and I just wonder if RTC has any restriction on this.

If I use "?debugDojo=true" in URL, I just find this on firebug console, nothing else

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module eval failed

Only when I use "break on all errors" option, I find the details (mentioned in the previous post).

I actually use a "templatePath" rather than "templateString".

Here is the HTML file

Overload factor
<div> </div>
Realization factor
<div> </div>
Ignore resource category
<div> </div>
All plans (include rejected teams)
<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>

Also, I don't think I have used console.error any where if that is what you mean by "logging errors on console".

If you use debugDojo=true on the URL you should be able to find the dojo
code where its failing. From the looks of it the creation of the DOM
node from you template string is failing. In dijit._Templated there is
this code :

node = dijit._Templated._createNodesFromText(this._stringRepl(cached));

You can look at the value of the templateString property of your widget
to see the text being parsed.

One another think to check is that you do not have any errors logged to
the console.

Jazz WebUI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of my
code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library
(_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the
details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the firebug
"watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white;
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100%
!important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none
!important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input, .dijitSpinner
input{ background-color: white !important;}/*
dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color:
rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152);
}/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It
does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position:
absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
/*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table:
Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed;
width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none ;}.SaveBottomDiv{
display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column
headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px
solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color:
rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal;
font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header cell
font weight should be bold for columns which are
sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important;
}/*When the mouse is over the colummn header
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image:
none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width:
1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual
data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside
the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute;
overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100%
!important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative; overflow:
auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content {
position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none;
outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row column*/.dojoxGrid-row
{ position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none;
border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top:
none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable {
color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color: gray
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color:
#F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /*
rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar.
Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row
column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none;
border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{
border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid
#F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none;
background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{
background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none;
background-position: center; background-repeat:
no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width:
0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell {
border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus {
/*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid
white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background:
white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background:
dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra
definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra
dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none
!important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd.
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

Permanent link
Support templateCssPath was removed before Dojo 1.0 was delivered. To
associate CSS with Widgets you can use the Jazz CSS Binding extension
point. Documentation can be found here :


Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I tested line by line and finally found that this is the problem in my

templateCssPath: dojo.moduleUrl("com.ibm.af.capacity.web",

I had to comment out "templateCssPath" to fix the problem.
Usage of "templateCssPath" is cited in several dojo
examples and I just wonder if RTC has any restriction on this.

If I use "?debugDojo=true" in URL, I just find this on
firebug console, nothing else
Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

Only when I use "break on all errors" option, I find the
details (mentioned in the previous post).

I actually use a "templatePath" rather than
Here is the HTML file

Overload factor
<div> </div
Realization factor
<div> </div
Ignore resource category
<div> </div
All plans (include rejected teams)
<div> </div

<div> </div

<div> </div

Also, I don't think I have used console.error any where if that is
what you mean by "logging errors on console".

If you use debugDojo=true on the URL you should be able to find the
code where its failing. From the looks of it the creation of the DOM

node from you template string is failing. In dijit._Templated there
this code :

node =
You can look at the value of the templateString property of your
to see the text being parsed.

One another think to check is that you do not have any errors logged
the console.

Jazz WebUI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I do not have that statement (on which firebug breaks) as part of
code. It seems to be some thing from dojo library
(_attachTemplateNodes()) itself. So, am not sure if I can print the
details by placing console.dir in code.

However, I did a "break on all errors" and tried the
"watch" tab for seeing the "rootNode".

This is what I find

".dojoxGrid { position: relative; background-color: white;
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; height: 0pt; width: 100%
!important; margin: 1px;}.dijitValidationIcon{ display: none
!important;}.dijitTextBox input, .dijitComboBox input,
input{ background-color: white !important;}/*
dojoxGrid-master-header: Row header for the entire grid
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header { position: relative; background-color:
rgb(246,248,200); border-top: 1px solid rgb(200,200,152);
}/*.dojoxGrid-header: Header limited only to the column headers. It
does not span the entire grid.*/.dojoxGrid-header { position:
absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
/*#E8E1CF;*/ height: 24px; width: 100%; }/*.dojoxGrid-row-table:
Table for the grid*/.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed;
width: 0pt;}.dojoxGrid-hidden-focus{ display: none
display: none ;}/*Cell used inside the header for column
headers*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell { border: 1px
solid; border-color: white; background: none; background-color:
rgb(248,248,200); padding-bottom: 4px; font-weight: normal;
font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; color: #666666;}/*The header
font weight should be bold for columns which are
sortable*/.headerSortableClass { font-weight: bold !important;
}/*When the mouse is over the colummn header
*/.dojoxGrid-master-header .dojoxGrid-cell-over { background-image:
none; background-color: white; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
margin-bottom: 0pt; padding-bottom: 0pt; border-bottom-width:
1px;}/*Below the grid header. This contains the actual
data*/.dojoxGrid-master-view { position: relative;}/*This is inside
the .dojoxGrid-master-view*/.dojoxGrid-view { position: absolute;
overflow: hidden; background-color: white; /*width: 100%
!important;*/ } .dojoxGrid-scrollbox { position: relative;
auto; background-color: white; width: 100%;}.dojoxGrid-content {
position: relative; overflow: hidden; -moz-outline-style: none;
outline: none;}/*Rowbar excluding the left row
{ position: relative; width: 100%; height: 21px; border-left: none;
border-right: none; background-color: white; border-top:
none;}.rowNonEditable { color: #707373 !important;}.cellNonEditable
color: #707373 !important;}.numericField{ text-align:right
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over { border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47; background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .rowNonEditable{ background-color:
!important;}.dojoxGrid-row-over .dojoxGrid-cell{ background-color:
#CCE0EB;}.dojoxGrid-row-odd { background-color:
#F7F7F7;}.dojoxGrid-row-selected { background-color: #D8E7EB; /*
rgb(216,214,232); #D9E8F9; */}/*Rowbar containing the left rowbar.
Mostly it won't be required as it is decided not have row
column.*/.dojoxGrid-rowbar{ border: 1px white; border-left: none;
border-right: none; border-top: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(232,232,208); background-color: rgb(248,248,200);
background: rgb(248,248,200); height: 22px;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-over{
border-top-color: #FEBE47; border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;
background-color: #CCE0EB; /*border-top: 1px solid
#F6F4EB;*/}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-inner{ background-image: none;
background-color: white; border-top-color: #FEBE47;
border-bottom-color: #FEBE47;}.dojoxGrid-rowbar-selected{
background-color: rgb(216,214,232); background-image: none;
background-position: center; background-repeat:
no-repeat;}.dojoxGrid-row-table { table-layout: fixed; width:
0pt;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell {
border-color:transparent; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
padding: 1px 3px 3px; text-align: left; overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-cell-focus {
/*background: #D8E7EB;*/ /*rgb(216,214,232);*/ border: 1px solid
white;}.dojoxGrid-master-view .dojoxGrid-input { background:
white;}.dojoxGrid-row-editing td { background:
dojoxGrid-row-editing td{ background: white;}*//* override tundra
definitions for DatePicker style for disabled dates*/.tundra
dijitCalendarDisabledDate { text-decoration:none
!important;}.dijitCalendarDisabledDate { color:#D4D4E6

One thing to be aware of is that when ?debug=true is set the js is
loaded via script tags but when run without the code is eval'd.
is typically stricter on the code it processes.

The error is indicating that the rootNode object does not have
getElementsByTagName() function. I would suggest adding some
console.debug calls to provide debug information on the rootNode
e.g printing its type and all its properties.

Jazz Web UI Development

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
Here is the exact error message

Error: Failed to aynchronously load module
eval failed

I've tried with ?debugDojo=true but it also resulted in the same
error. At the moment, only ?debug=true seems to be working

What is the text of the error being reported ?
You can try ?debugDojo=true also to make the code readable, but
load in single a stream.

Jazz Web UI Development.

vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I have a custom view and it works only when I include ?debug=true

(doesn't work)

(does work)

Firebug breaks on the following statement (if that is helpful in
debugging this)

var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all ||

Any suggestion?

0 votes

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× 10,984

Question asked: Jun 26 '09, 10:56 a.m.

Question was seen: 9,741 times

Last updated: Jun 26 '09, 10:56 a.m.

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