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How to get the burndown chart in Plan ?

pradeep kumar (1136) | asked Jan 29 '16, 1:17 a.m.

I have created a custom Plan..And i added some plan views .

But when i check the plan details section I dont see any Burndown chart .

<plantype icon="/icons/obj16/iteration_plan.gif" id="" name="CC-PS Team Plan">
                    <planmodes default="">
                        <planmode definition=""/>
                        <planmode definition=""/>
                        <planmode definition=""/>
                        <planmode definition=""/>
                        <planmode definition=""/>
                        <plancheck definition=""/>
                        <plancheck definition=""/>
                        <plancheck definition=""/>
                    <planitems definition=""/>
                    <scheduler definition=""/>

Please let me know where i am missing ?

Note :
I have created my custom plan as like Sprint backlog plan.

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Jan 29 '16, 5:32 p.m.
Although it is possible to edit the process configuration source to add new plan types, I am not sure if it is officially supported. As far as I know, the planning code looks for some specific IDs for certain things. I suspect in this case, it looks for specific plantype id to display the report.

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