How do I add subscribers to a work item via the REST API?
I am developing a C# REST client for RTC and I am trying to find out how to add subscribers to a work item. I have already read this thread and this enhancement request but I cannot seem to get my head around the process.
When creating a work item I have the following subscriber property:
<rtc_cm:subscribers oslc_cm:collref="https://<server>/ccm/oslc/workitems/__CupL39eEeOeYOj8IKVRng/rtc_cm:subscribers"/>
What I am trying to do is perform a POST/PUT directly to that address. Is this the right approach? All of my attempts result in a 405: Method Not Allowed response, so maybe my XML file is being formatted with the wrong headers? Which ones should I be using?
Thank you and best regards,
Accepted answer
One other answer
Hi Andrew,
Just look at my nice answer I have provided some time ago:
Let us know if it helps.
Just look at my nice answer I have provided some time ago:
Let us know if it helps.