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Why doesn't "Try it in the cloud" work?

Donna Thomas (14122649) | asked May 18 '15, 2:03 p.m.
Hi there,

So I'm trying to "Try it in the Cloud" - RTC ver 5.0.2. I answer the questions in the pop-up, and I get as far as the page that says... don't close this page. Then I wait. The first time, I waited an hour and a half, using Firefox. I tried it again, waiting 20 minutes using FF after I cleared my cache. I switched to IE and tried basically the same thing. I logged off our VPN system (government) and link directly to the site from my home ISP. Tried all 4 ways again. I waited between 30-45 minutes each time.

So... what can I do to "try it in the cloud" ?

Thank you,

Tiago Moura commented May 18 '15, 2:22 p.m.

 Well, I did not tried the cloud through jazz... but have you already tried the bluemix? 

Donna Thomas commented May 18 '15, 2:29 p.m.

Yea - a friend just gave me his Bluemix test... trying to get around that now.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 19 '15, 4:51 a.m.
Please follow the advice on that site e.g. or try this link and create a work item for your problem:

I had issues yesterday as well.
Donna Thomas selected this answer as the correct answer

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