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CRJAZ1559W in LDAP configuration with JTS

Krunal Gaoli (671269) | asked May 18 '15, 7:50 a.m.
 I am gettint  the following error while installing RQM with LDAP.

An LDAP connection was established but generated warnings. Resolve the warnings or click Next to continue.ID CRJAZ1559W
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The user ID property "sAMAccount" is not valid or there are no users in the LDAP registry.
please help me out ,
any suggestion will be appreciated 
THANKS in Advance.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 18 '15, 8:19 a.m.
On the LDAP configuration page
  1. Follow the Support text and the linked description to test your LDAP setup
  2. Find the correct LDAP/active Directory properties
  3. Change the settings according to the findings
In we used MSAD and it is not that complicated. I think we used  -memberof and -samid but I am not really sure.

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