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Is there any CLM installation tutorial for an clustered environment?

Eduardo Bello (4401922) | asked May 17 '15, 7:33 p.m.

  I'm having a hard time finding good documentation on how to install a CLM using WAS clusters. All I can find is topology, system requirements, and some isolated information. But I didn't find anything more advanced in that matter. For example, I din't find anywhere if I have to share a common location for indexes files for all clusters.

   The best thing I found was those articles: and . But the first one is mostly theory and the second one is only about Extreme Scale.

  Where can I find a advanced "step-by-step" tutorial on how to install CLM solution in a clustered environment using WAS? 

Thanks in advance

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 17 '15, 8:10 p.m.
The reason that you cannot find such document is that the support for WAS clustering was removed from CLM 5.0. See the notes at the beginning of this Wiki.
Eduardo Bello selected this answer as the correct answer

Eduardo Bello commented May 17 '15, 8:58 p.m.

 Thank you for the answer.

 I think that was a bad decision, some of my customers won't be happy, they need very high availability (active x active).

 Thanks again.

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