RTC - Can I define dependency value on 'Found in' (Releases) attributes
Accepted answer
One other answer
Hi Ralph,
I'm looking for the opposite dependencies.
Meaning the user first will choose the enumeration field (in your example it is Priority) and by that he will get the list of specific found in release.
If I'm trying to switch between them - I will not get the found in as part of the list.
I though that this definition is working only one direction, am I right?
The release is not an enumeration. the second attribute/dependent enumeration only supports enumeration type attributes.
And yes, it is only into the direction f the dependent enumeration.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for your answer, I'm still investigating this issue.
I'm trying to create dependencies between Found in values and selected category
Is there a way to do it?
Is it planned to implemented?
Perhaps this can be implemented by scripting?
This is the third customer this issue is raised.
You could try JavaScript or Java. I personally prefer Java.
Please note, that you have to pass the UUID of the release if you return a value. You can not pass the name of the release.
In addition, in JavaScript you can not read the available values in the releases of the project area.
You would have to use getValue() to print the UUIDs using JavaScript and hardcode the UUID's into the JavaScript. See