Multiple subscribers lists
Accepted answer
As David pointed out, subscribers is not an attribute type that can be reused. You can not have multiple subscriber lists. If you add another presentation, it shows the same data.
You can create custom attributes of type userList/contributorList, one per department, if you want. You would have to create a custom notification mechanism e.g. similar to .
One other answer
No - there's only one type of Subscriber and only one list.
Can you explain more what you are trying to do? I don't quite understand why there would be different types of subscribers
We need to notify pepole of different departments and with only a list is not so easy to understand if all the departments has been notified. If we have more list (one of every department) the UI is more clear.
We can solve for example creating some lists and a plugin that add all the user inserted on the lists into the subscriber.
The idea was to check if we can avoid a plugin develepment.