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Can I change icon for type in query result?

Michelle Stein (1579) | asked Jul 14 '14, 10:36 a.m.
 RTC 5.0, the query result shows an icon in Work Item Type column which seems to be a combination of WI Type and State group. Since I have State appearing as a separate column already, and State groups aren't significant to us, can I remove it and have just the Type icon appear? I tried customizing the icons for state groups, but my changes don't show. Or is it one of those built-in things that can't be changed?

Also, the Type icon appears by itself in web version, same query.

2 answers

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Shai Millen-EL (877) | answered Jul 14 '14, 11:03 a.m.
Hi Michelle,
Can you post an image of the query results, highlighting the area you'd like to remove/hide?

Michelle Stein commented Jul 14 '14, 11:13 a.m.


1st column, looks like combo of type icon (bug/enhancement) and default icon for closed state group (open group shows nothing,  there are also 'in progress' icons but not on this screen)

Shai Millen-EL commented Jul 14 '14, 11:31 a.m.

Alrighty, I think I understand now. If you'd like to hide the first column, you can do so in the query's edit mode under column display and the change should take effect in the web UI and Eclipse client.

Michelle Stein commented Jul 14 '14, 11:33 a.m.

Thanks for the reply, I know how to hide a column. my issue is that the icon appearing is not 'just' the icon for WI Type, and I want to know how to remove the extra information, or accept my customizations.

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Shai Millen-EL (877) | answered Jul 14 '14, 12:28 p.m.
You could edit the icons (or any other project area customizations) by going to the project area>process configuration tab>Project configuration>Configuration Data. Here you can change/remove the work item type icons (see Work Items> Types and Attributes) or change/remove state icons (see Work Items>Workflows).

Michelle Stein commented Jul 14 '14, 12:38 p.m.

Really, thanks for your attention, but I know how to customize the process and change icons. I have already customized icons, what is showing is not my change.

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