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How to get cross project report for Effort estimate and Progress?

Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | asked Apr 13 '15, 6:36 a.m.
edited Apr 13 '15, 10:14 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
The scenario is:
I have multiple tasks in multiple work items. I want to see a parent work item, which links all the tasks from multiple project area and gives me the total effort and total progress by calculating from all child tasks.

I created a cross project plan for this, but the effort estimate and progress of the tasks which are in different project is not getting reflected. I have added associations in project area.

How can I achieve total effort estimate and total progress of all child tasks at one place?

One answer

permanent link
Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | answered Apr 21 '15, 4:08 a.m.
Can be achieved using RRDI.

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