Trying to create a JRS Trend Report in RTC 6.0.1 that will count defects from Wednesday to Wednesday for the last 6 months

One answer

Hello John,
The trend reporting date scale functionality is based on the locale concept of a week. So depending on where the logged in user locale is, the week may change. In North American and most of Europe this is Sunday to Saturday. In other locales it may be Monday to Sunday. Currently it is not possible to customize when the beginning of a week is such that the date scale functionality would take this into account. If this is something of interest to you, then please log an Story in the Jazz Reporting Service repository for consideration and further discussion.
Something might be possible by using the advanced SQL, but it would require some thought before I could answer. The current date scale functionality is handled mostly on the client side (java script) so an SQL solution would be quite different.