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How can I install the Money that matters sample using repotools?

I tried running this command
repotools-jts.bat -setup repositoryURL=htts://myserver:9443/jts adminUserID=ADMIN adminPassword=ADMIN responseFile=responsefile.txt includeLifecycleProjectStep=true prompt=missing parametersFile=parametersjts.txt
and all went OK until:
Executing step: Deploy Sample Application (optional)
Would you like to deploy the sample application "Money That Matters", which wi
ll create projects and artifacts in each registered application? We strongly rec
ommend that you deploy the sample project to a test server or your local host, n
ot a production server. For successful creation of the sample, your user account
will need client access licenses for each of the applications you selected to b
e part of the sample. In order for Enterprise Extensions artifacts to be created
, the license for Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms must be assigned to you
r account. If you have not assigned these licenses, or are unsure, you should no
t create the sample at this time. Visit the Jazz Team Server Administration > Us
ers > Client Access License Management page to verify or make changes, and then
proceed to the Lifecycle Project Administration application in a browser at path
/admin/web to create the sample. (Enter Y to confirm)
CRJAZ2438E An error occurred while invoking the service https://localhost:9443/admin/deploy-sample?client=scripted.
CRJAZ2247E There was an error executing setup for the application "Lifecycle Pro
ject Administration: "ERROR". Check the log for more details.
CRJAZ2236E There was an error executing setup: "ERROR"
and the admin.log points me to the fact that I have no licenses assigned:
2015-03-26 16:31:54,927 [ Thread-58] ERROR com.ibm.team.lpa.templates -
com.ibm.team.lpa.automation.TaskException: Validation of user licenses failed. You must have at least one client access license assigned to your user
Which to me sounds very logical since none of the steps so far was about assigning any license.
How can I solve this hen-egg problem and get that silent sample installation scripted?
repotools-jts.bat -setup repositoryURL=htts://myserver:9443/jts adminUserID=ADMIN adminPassword=ADMIN responseFile=responsefile.txt includeLifecycleProjectStep=true prompt=missing parametersFile=parametersjts.txt
and all went OK until:
Executing step: Deploy Sample Application (optional)
Would you like to deploy the sample application "Money That Matters", which wi
ll create projects and artifacts in each registered application? We strongly rec
ommend that you deploy the sample project to a test server or your local host, n
ot a production server. For successful creation of the sample, your user account
will need client access licenses for each of the applications you selected to b
e part of the sample. In order for Enterprise Extensions artifacts to be created
, the license for Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms must be assigned to you
r account. If you have not assigned these licenses, or are unsure, you should no
t create the sample at this time. Visit the Jazz Team Server Administration > Us
ers > Client Access License Management page to verify or make changes, and then
proceed to the Lifecycle Project Administration application in a browser at path
/admin/web to create the sample. (Enter Y to confirm)
CRJAZ2438E An error occurred while invoking the service https://localhost:9443/admin/deploy-sample?client=scripted.
CRJAZ2247E There was an error executing setup for the application "Lifecycle Pro
ject Administration: "ERROR". Check the log for more details.
CRJAZ2236E There was an error executing setup: "ERROR"
and the admin.log points me to the fact that I have no licenses assigned:
2015-03-26 16:31:54,927 [ Thread-58] ERROR com.ibm.team.lpa.templates -
com.ibm.team.lpa.automation.TaskException: Validation of user licenses failed. You must have at least one client access license assigned to your user
Which to me sounds very logical since none of the steps so far was about assigning any license.
How can I solve this hen-egg problem and get that silent sample installation scripted?
Accepted answer

Check this sample response properties file - the license assignment is there.
P.S. Probably only trial license works in this case.
P.S. Probably only trial license works in this case.
One other answer

Thank you Donald, the "activate.trial=true" line did the trick:
Using prompt=missing, the setup then asks which of my floating license I want to add to the new admin user.
The generated parameters file then shows me the type as:
But yeah, that is not really a step in the UI setup pages either;
so I don't expect it to work with repotools.
I guess I will just change the teamserver.properties beforehand to point to my license server and then use the response file to assign that actual license type.
Many thanks for pointing me to this sample. Very helpful indeed!
# activates and assigns the RTC Developer license license.assignment.page\:license.RationalTeamConcert=com.ibm.team.rtc.developer license.assignment.page\:com.ibm.team.rtc.developer.agreement=true license.assignment.page\:com.ibm.team.rtc.developer.activate.trial=trueI also got it to work when assigning manually assigning floating licenses to ADMIN before running repotools with includeLifecycleProjectStep=true.
Using prompt=missing, the setup then asks which of my floating license I want to add to the new admin user.
The generated parameters file then shows me the type as:
But yeah, that is not really a step in the UI setup pages either;
so I don't expect it to work with repotools.
I guess I will just change the teamserver.properties beforehand to point to my license server and then use the response file to assign that actual license type.
Many thanks for pointing me to this sample. Very helpful indeed!

Just to be complete:
The lines for the license servers in the teamserver.properties are:
for a JTS floating license server and
for a conventional Rational license server that can serve Tokens.