What to do with a change set visible against component, but not apparently in any stream(s) ?
RTC 4.0.7
User has raised issue of "missing" files, but I am able to locate those files in a change set created by this person. If I qualify the search for change sets with inclusion of a component, I find this change set. If I specify just a Stream, the change set is not found. When trying to "Locate Changeset..." for the aforementioned change the expected flow target(s) show "0 of 1 change sets included"
While the change set _appears_ to be in the component, browsing the baseline files does not show the files I expect to find in the change set. These change set files aren't even visible in the user's workspace or any of the baselines of the component.
Any suggestions ?
User has raised issue of "missing" files, but I am able to locate those files in a change set created by this person. If I qualify the search for change sets with inclusion of a component, I find this change set. If I specify just a Stream, the change set is not found. When trying to "Locate Changeset..." for the aforementioned change the expected flow target(s) show "0 of 1 change sets included"
While the change set _appears_ to be in the component, browsing the baseline files does not show the files I expect to find in the change set. These change set files aren't even visible in the user's workspace or any of the baselines of the component.
Any suggestions ?
Accepted answer
Change sets don't have to be present in a workspace or stream. They can be, but they don't have to be.
If the user wants to keep working on the changes, they should accept the change set into their repository workspace. The 'Accept' action is available on the context menu in the change set search results.
If the user wants to get their changes into the stream, they can deliver them from their repo workspace.