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Unable to set Time estimate in RTC Web Client

Sany Maamari (13243851) | asked Mar 16 '17, 1:19 p.m.

Hello All,
I'm configuring an RTC project with lots of new types, calculated value based on script and of course estimate and time spent
For a reason I don't understand, I am unable to set the time estimate in the web client, but I can set it in the eclipse client and I can also set it through queries in the web client.

It seems that the problem is a JS/dojo problem.
I took a screenshot

When we click on estimate nothing happens, when we click on correction the last typeError in the web console appears and "this.fDuration..." and unedefined in text box appears below the corrected value

I tried it on another project with less process configuration change and it works, It doesn't work on only one project which would make me think that it is a process configuration error.

Any help would be appreciated ?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 16 '17, 7:26 p.m.

Please see the solution in technote

Sany Maamari selected this answer as the correct answer

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