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Does RAM 7522 support LTPA for enabling SSO

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Mar 18 '15, 5:10 a.m.

We have deployed RAM 7522 on WAS 8.5.5 and configured LTPA on WAS.

When testing with RAM application it fails with the below error

The IBM Rational Team Concert server is down.
CRJAZ0098I The "{/ramccm/service/}" service failed. The server returned the HTTP error 302 with error text "Found".  

Here we would like to know if RAM Support SSO using LTPA ?

One answer

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Ary Zhang (2324) | answered May 04 '15, 1:53 a.m.
Hi ,Anoop

We only support standard SSO, just like this
We don't support other SSO process, such as SecureAuth, SAML..

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