Disabling email notification from variables in the customized email message file on asset state changes
Hello team,
We are using RAM and have a question around email notification. We have a customized email message file that uses a combination of combination of variables and properties.
Everytime, an asset is changed from A to state B, an email is triggered from the variable: email_subject_asset_state_change=[Lifecycle] {0} \u200e[{1}] has been moved to the {2} state
We would like to use the "Send Email policy" to send out the email notifications on state changes instead of the notification from the email message file.
So we commented this line with #(as shown below) in the mailMessages_en.properties file as
#email_subject_asset_state_change=[Lifecycle] {0} \u200e[{1}] has been moved to the {2} state.
However even after we do that, an email is getting triggered when an asset moves from one state to another with the body of the email as shown in the screenshot below.
© IBM Corporation 2007, 2010.
2 answers
Why do you want to use the policy instead of customizing the email to be what you want sent instead?
Thanks Rich for the reply.
The customized email message is sent when an asset leaves a state. Our stakeholders want email notifications to be sent out only when an asset enters a state (which we configure using Send Email policy upon Entrance to State). They DONT want to be notified when an asset leaves the state.