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Unable to load diagram in Design Management

Balamurugan Selvarasu (331430) | asked Mar 16 '15, 9:56 a.m.
 Hello All,

We are having the below configuration:

Application Server - WebSphere Application Server
Database - IBM DB2
Operating System - Windows server 2008 R2 

When trying to open the diagram in Design Management I am getting an error stating that "Unable to load diagram".

Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

BalaMurugan S

One answer

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Thomas Mattsson (1763) | answered Mar 18 '15, 5:02 a.m.

if this is RSA design manager, please check /dm/admin pages and select the "Domain Extension Servers" tab. Make sure that there is a server listed here and that it is reports itself as online. If not it should be providing some additional information.

Best regards,
Thomas Mattsson

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