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[closed] Application: the consumer key xxx "/admin" was allocated by this server, when it should have been allocated by the application.

Sebastien Conan (835) | asked Mar 16 '15, 9:24 a.m.
closed Jul 31 '23, 12:18 p.m. by Ian Barnard (2.0k613)

Hi all,

I have a problem on my test platform with this error message. Then I have found this KB but it says that it works for 4.0.1 and 4.0.2. The version I´m running is the 4.0.7.

Before making a mistake I would like to know someone has already tried this solution on a more recent platform that 4.0.2 ??


The question has been closed for the following reason: "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by ianbarnard Jul 31 '23, 12:18 p.m.

2 answers

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vivek vijayan (1516) | answered Feb 28 '18, 6:41 a.m.

  We are also getting the same error- clm 6.0.3 version.

Application: the consumer key "scdsfdfdscdcddcsaxsaxsxsxsaxsxscxscCS for "/gc" was allocated by this server, when it should have been allocated by the application.
This may indicate that the setup wizard for the application must be executed

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Klaus Hoppe (4314) | answered Jul 31 '23, 10:16 a.m.

 I have got a similar error.

Application: the consumer key "xxxxxx" for "Document Builder" was allocated by this server, when it should have been allocated by the application.
This may indicate that the setup wizard for the application must be executed.

How to proceed?

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 31 '23, 10:29 a.m.

Please do not ask questions as an answer to other questions. This is especially true if the question is from 2015 and 8 years old. As suggested by Ian, please open a case with support. 

Klaus Hoppe commented Jul 31 '23, 11:30 a.m.

But since there has only be an answer like mine, giving same question for another Feature of JAZZ (without a Comment like yours), I thought this is the Standard Approach in this Forum. 

By-the-way: Suggestion of Ian had been for another Topic that I had raised, not for this one. Isn't there any Solution available for this Allocation Issue, that can be added to this Question?

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 01 '23, 2:03 a.m.

I do not know why this issue comes up. This is related to OAuth/friends relationships set up so the servers can talk to each other. It is likely an issue with the setup. Support could analyze this using the logs you would provide in the case.