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RRC traceability RTC based on plan for

Chinh Hoang (111) | asked Apr 23 '13, 1:30 a.m.
I have a list of requirements defined in RM that have implemented by links to items in RTC.  Is there a way for me to filter for a list of requirements that are only associated with RTC item based on the RTC item's plan for field i.e
all requirements that are planned for 'backlog'?

One answer

permanent link
Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Apr 23 '13, 1:44 a.m.
You can create a backlog Plan with Iteration set to the 'backlog'and the project area as owner.
There is a tracebility view defined in the plan which lists the work items, Requirements and test cases in a single view.
In a plan you can apply a lot of filters, group based on various criteria ....

Chinh Hoang commented Apr 23 '13, 7:02 a.m.

Thank you for the prompted reply.  Do you know when this feature was introduced?  As we are still on RTC 2.0 and I don't see a traceability view in the plan.

Paul Sims commented Apr 23 '13, 8:50 a.m. | edited Apr 23 '13, 8:51 a.m.

Chinh, I believe the requirements traceability viewlet/widget was first introduced in the CLM 3.x dashboard. Check out the "Requirements Tracing" widget in Category "Requirements" on your CLM dashboard. When you configure the widget, you have a choice of "Implemented By" (RTC story) and "Validated By" (RQM test case).
- Paul

Requirements Tracing Widget

Paul Sims commented Apr 23 '13, 8:56 a.m.

Also see topic "Managing requirements in CLM" in the Information Center. The link is
- Paul

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