CLM 4.0.3 single server upgrade to v5.0.2 multi-server deployment
Accepted answer
The licensing should be the same. However when moving from a Departmental to enterprise topology, I would suggest adding a reverse proxy and running on Websphere. The reverse proxy will be the mechanism for the continued use of the existing public uri. For more details on setting up a reverse proxy see the following article:
And when using Websphere, SSO is supported.
How quick is the WAS installation and deployment of the WAR files? I am trying to determine how this will impact time required with a client. Just looking for a ballpark estimate.
It all depends on your level of comfort with Websphere. If you have not installed and configured RTC on Websphere using a reverse proxy, I would suggest setting up a departmental topology first just to get your feet wet. Then test setting up a enterprise topology. This can all be done on a laptop.
installing and setting up a Websphere profile is relatively simple, the items that take the longest are setting up security, making sure the jvm settings are configured, and applying all the needed custom properties.
All the needed configurations for Websphere can be found in the Knowledge Center.