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How to restrict all deliver access to a stream except for certain roles?

Eric Benzacar (411012) | asked Mar 10 '15, 1:52 p.m.
 I have several components in a stream.  I would like to restrict deliver access to all but one component in the stream.

I have opened the Operation Behavious for my Project Area, and tried to configure the Operation Behaviour: Deliver (server) for the stream, however, the permissions for all components are set to "<default>". 

I can override the component I want and specify a Project role, but all the remaining components are still "<default>".  I have been unable to figure out a way to change the "<default>" permissions for the components in the stream.

I have tried to remove deliver permissions from all roles, hoping that my component permission would still allow me to override the behaviour, but it did not work.

My only ugly workaround to date is to create an "Empty" role and restrict the other components to anyone with "Empty".  And then never assign anyone the "Empty" role.  But I find that to be an ugly workaround.

Is there a better/cleaner way?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 11 '15, 5:08 a.m.
You can use the pre-condition Restrict Change Set Delivery to Components in a Stream on Deliver (server).

Eric Benzacar commented Mar 11 '15, 10:22 a.m. | edited Mar 11 '15, 10:22 a.m.

 Thanks - that is just my issue.  I have done that already, but would like to somehow set the "<default>" permissions to be none.  I cannot understand how to modify the "<default>" permissions preventing all deliveries to those components in that stream, while retaining the ability to deliver to other components.

So far, the only ugly workaround I have found is to edit those permissions and change the <default> to a role that nobody has assigned.  But that is extra steps for nothing.

In other words, what i am looking to do is by default restrict all deliveries to all streams UNLESS they specifically have a role defined.  But I cannot find the right combination to do that.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 12 '15, 2:54 a.m.

Sorry, but RTC was designed to support collaboration and not to prevent it. So it is very open, if you don't restrict it.

We seem to be unable to do it right. We have systems that are very restrictive and you have to open them up. Users complain about that as well..... 8)

I am pretty sure there is no way to change RTC to work as you desire.
Consider to submit an enhancement request.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 14 '15, 4:08 p.m.

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