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What is the best practice for Migrating RAM to use internal RTC along with upgradation

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Mar 03 '15, 4:22 a.m.
 Hi Team,

Currently in our production instance we have RAM configured to use WAS and DB2 9.7.
This is running on a Windows Server 2003 OS.

Note: In the current version RTC was configured to be external.

Requirement is :

  • We will have to get rid of the existing server (name will change) and move to a new Windows 2012 Server.
  • We plan to use the RTC Internal which ships along with RAM.
  • Then upgrade RAM to Version.

Steps performed:

1. Got the new 2012 Server
2. Installed DB2 10.1 FP4 and restored the databases (RTCDB and UISRAMDB) from the existing server.
3. Copied the persistent folder from the old server.
3. Completed WAS 8.5.5 and RAM installation.
4. During RAM configuration have chosen the RTC Internal and pointed to the restored DB which look f    ine.
5. During the Part 4: Configure Lifecycle management settings it gives an error. 
  Here the RTC server name was pre populated with the old server name since I restored the DB.
6. I have replaced the old server name with the new one and when tried to access it separately 

https://<hostname>:9443/jazz  it gives an error - Error 500: java.lang.RuntimeException: CRJAZ1118I Unable to load server configuration.

My question is 

since we configured RAM to use external RTC server with the previous release, with the latest version can we use the internal RTC Server. Is that causing the issue.

Is this a known issue ?  Any suggestions would be of great help

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