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While working with RTC Extension, if a small change in code is required to my provisioned plugin what steps should be followed? Do we need to restart the server always?

1) Update site.
2) stop server
3) Clean the work directory in tomcat
4) start server
Is there a faster way for this?
Accepted answer


Development environment is always easy!

The question was "like writing System.out.println(), I have to go through a whole lot of steps"... You don't just add one System.out in a production plugin.

true. I missed that point..

Hi Ralph,
I think I am going to try it with Jetty. This looks to be the best case for my requirement.
If I can test it on Jetty without deploying it on Production, without a restart that will save a whole lot of wait time. Thank you.

Hi Ralph,
I configured the Jetty and it works like a charm. In fact the code changes are like hot patches.
No server restart required!! Just change the code and test in the client.
Thanks a lot.!!
2 other answers

1. update site
2. https://server:port/ccm/admin/requestReset
3. stop server
4. start server
3 erases the builton.txt file in the work directory which causes the work directory to be rebuilt on next start
no way I know of to speed up the cycle.

The server start and stop cycles clearly is an overload for every little line change in code. As this can be a minimum 10 - 20 minutes for one cycle. If we only knew where the code is deployed after the provisioning , we can simply replace it with the new jar and rename it or something. This would not take more than 30 secs.
Thanks so much!!

because of the overhead, I always recommend to create a schedule for publishing code changes, and test prior on parallel systems.
that schedule could be daily, depends on what your organization can handle