How to fetch current iteration/sprint using plain java API?

Accepted answer

Get IDevelopmentLineHandle and run a recursive method to get all sub iterations.
IDevelopmentLineHandle[] developmentLineHandles = projectArea.getDevelopmentLines();
for (IDevelopmentLineHandle developmentLineHandle : developmentLineHandles)
developmentLine = null;
developmentLine = (IDevelopmentLine) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(developmentLineHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
catch (TeamRepositoryException e)
// Handle the exception
if(null != developmentLine)
iterationHandles = developmentLine.getIterations();
if(null != iterationHandles)
for(IIterationHandle iterationHandle : iterationHandles)
fetchIterations(iterationHandle, itemManager, monitor);
void fetchIterations(IIterationHandle iterationHandle, IItemManager itemManager, IProgressMonitor monitor)
IIteration iteration = null;
iteration = (IIteration) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(iterationHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
catch (TeamRepositoryException e)
// Handle it
if(null != iteration)
// Scan Child iterations
IIterationHandle[] iterationHandles = iteration.getChildren();
if(null != iterationHandles)
for(IIterationHandle subIterationHandle : iterationHandles)
fetchIterations(subIterationHandle, itemManager, monitor);
One other answer

@Ralph Schoon, Thanks for your answer, I go through your code but how can I get IDevelopmentLine object?

The provided link explains all that and also comes with downloadable code.