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Integrate RTC with Jenkins

4 answers

Jenkins can be used as a build engine with RTC, for this you need to install RTC Plugin on the Jenkins server, see the wiki page for more details on downloading the right plug-in https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Team+Concert+Plugin
How to configure Jenkins from RTC is explained in the help link you have mentioned, you can also refer to the section "Setting up a simple build" in the article Integrating Rational Team Concert and Hudson builds

Thanks Krishna.
I have installed RTC jenkins plugin and had already gone through these steps and what I do not understand is :
In the Team Artifacts view, under the expanded node for the project area, expand the Builds folder and right-click New Build Engine.
Where is this "Team Artifacts view" ? Looks like its the eclipse view ?
I am the source configuration manager of my cmp and I want to integrate all my jenkins builds to RTC, so doing it via my local eclipse wont help anything.
Please suggest how can I integrate the existing jenkins to RTC.

"Team Artifacts view" is a view of Rational Team Concert, you need use RTC Eclipse client to connect to RTC server just plain Eclipse IDE will not help. Depending on the version of the RTC server you have you can download the equivalent RTC Eclipse client from https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/.
I would suggest you to go through the RTC documentation to understand how to use the RTC Eclipse client.

For RTC 5.0.2 the download link is https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/5.0.2?p=allDownloads, search for "client for eclipse", you can either use the IM based installer or the plain zip.

Thanks Kishore.
I have downloaded the RTC-Client-Eclipse4.2-repo-5.0.2.zip.
Please provide me the installation guide if possible.
Also do I need to have eclipse installed on my desktop as well ?
As mentioned I am a source config manager and I dont need developer tools. I want to integrate jenkins with RTC for the entire company.

RTC Eclipse client zip comes with its own eclipse and it does not require any extra installation steps. You have to unzip the file and start RTC from <install area>/jazz/client/eclipse folder. I would recommend you to go through RTC demos and articles on www.jazz.net to understand how to work with RTC.