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Project-specific Compiler Warning Setting Changes Not Seen In Pending Changes

Chris Barlock (18814738) | asked Apr 16 '14, 8:03 p.m.
I'm currently running the Windows 64-bit Eclipse Kepler R2 Java EE bundle with RTC 4.0.5 installed from a local p2 repository.  We have project-specific compiler warnings defined.  When I first set this, Eclipse created ./settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs, which we now include in our source tree.  If I change the compiler warning settings, I see that the prefs files is updated -- but the changed file does not appear in the Unresolved list of files in the Pending Changes view.  I'm pretty sure that this is new (bad) behavior since we upgraded to the 4.0.5 server and I upgraded to this 4.0.5 client, as above. 

Is this a known behavior change, known bug -- or should I open a bug?


Ralph Schoon commented Apr 17 '14, 3:03 a.m.

I'd do that. Can you check that the settings are not in the ignore list, before you do?

Chris Barlock commented Apr 17 '14, 9:26 a.m.

Ralph, good suggestion.  The settings file is not listed in .jazzignore.  If there are no more responses by about noon, I will open a defect then.


Accepted answer

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Apr 21 '14, 8:38 a.m.
Project-specific Compiler Warning Setting Changes Not Seen In Pending Changes (312998) was opened for this. Further comments will happen there.
Chris Barlock selected this answer as the correct answer

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