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No upgrade script for DM upgrade to 5.0.2

Dieter Paul (10311620) | asked Feb 11 '15, 2:30 a.m.
edited Feb 11 '15, 2:34 a.m.
When we look at the documentation for the Design Manager upgrade (5.0.1 
to 5.0.2)                                                               
There is only a section for calling the upgrade script of JTS and VVC (under the headline DM upgrade, directory DM_... what is wrong) 
But looking to the installation, there is a dm_upgrade.bat available    
and it seems that the upgrade isn't complete without running it (e.g. of DM not copied)                                   
Does anyone know, if this a documentation error and if this        
upgrade script must  run (something like upgrade\dm\dm_upgrade.bat -     
oldApplicationHome DM_<previous_version>_install_dir\server\conf) ?      

Accepted answer

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Thomas Mattsson (1763) | answered Feb 11 '15, 3:53 a.m.
Sorry for the inconvenience. This is a documentation defect tracked by
Upgrade documentation is missing critical DM upgrade step.

The missing step is:
To upgrade the Design Management server, open a command shell, go to the DM_<latest_version>_install_dir/server directory, then enter the following command:
  • Windows: upgrade\dm\dm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome DM_<previous_version>_install_dir \server\conf
  • Linux: upgrade/dm/ -oldApplicationHome DM_previous_version_install_dir /server/conf
Best regards,
Thomas Mattsson
Dieter Paul selected this answer as the correct answer

Dieter Paul commented Feb 11 '15, 4:04 a.m.


We already thought so and made all our tests with vvc_upgrade and dm_upgrade scripts.

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