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How to make DOORs artifact locks -> unlockable

Keith Murray (1511217) | asked Feb 06 '15, 2:37 p.m.

Got sent this note from the lead of a project using DOORs.

The issue is sometimes when we edit a sketch (mock-up) and we save and click done.  The artifact stays lock under our name and no one can edit them until we unlock them by clicking the pencil beside it and click unlock…

I would like to have the option to override a lock if an artifact is lock by someone. Especially if someone is sick for many days and work needs to be done….

So in summary:
1. the lock is still enabled after a save

2. they would like to unlock if another developer has it locked

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Feb 06 '15, 3:40 p.m.
 This sounds like a defect, so I would suggest opening a work item.  
But to answer your specific question, there is a permission you can assign to override others locks.  

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