REST RQM Return TestPhase and TestPlan details in a single request?
Is there anyway to return both TestPhase and TestPlans details in a single RESTful API request?
With a specific project Area, I'm able to return all the TestPhases and a TestPlan ID for each TestPhase.
With a specific project Area, I'm able to return all the TestPlans but no TestPhase information.
I'd like to perform something like
<server>/qm/service/<project area>/testphase?
The concept being that with each testPhase, I would also get the details of the TestPlan (title, webid, etc.). It seems, however, than I can only return the testPlan @href (the id) and nothing more.
In SQL terms, I want to inner join the testPhase on testPlan. Is there anything similar or a syntax that could use to obtain such an output? I don't want to perform a REST API on each TestPlan or TestPhase to obtain the information. I want to perform just one request.