RQM 6.0.3: Where can i find detailed documentation for Requirements reconciliation for config enabled projects when test plan is linked to a requirement module?
Where can I find detail documentation on this requirements reconcile process when requirement modules are linked with test plans in RQM for config enabled projects? I tried to look thru’ on IBM site and everywhere it talks about the requireemnts reconciliation with test cases and not test plans. In addition it says, the test cases requirement reconciliation is not supported for config enabled projects.
According to the documentation on the various status types on the reconciliation scree, if requirements are removed or deleted from the requirement module linked to a test plan in DNG since the last reconcile run, it should list the deleted requirements when we reconcile next time but it does not do that.
If a requirement is changed in DNG since the last reconcile, then that requirement’s status should change to “modified” the next time we perform the reconcile but the status still says “new” and not “modified”.
2 answers
Help Link : https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_reconcile_reqcolls_doors.html
Look for specifically :
If configuration management is enabled for your project, the following limitations apply to reconcile operations:
- The reconcile operation does not check for changed requirements. Instead, the Requirement Links section shows the updated validity status for each requirement associated with a test case. For more information about link validity, see Using link validity in CLM applications.
- Removed, deleted, and unplanned requirements are shown automatically; however, you are not required to complete an action in the Reconcile wizard. Instead, affected requirements are listed and you can open the corresponding test cases to take action.
- You cannot mark a test case as suspect during the reconcile operation.
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar