Using REST how can I link Execution Result steps to Test Suite steps?
I have created two XML files representing execution results and test suites with the following calls:
The execution results extract test step results while test script extracts test step. These are different objects and so they are assigned different ids and so there is no way to match them.
Is there some way to have the test step ID within the execution results output?
I am using RQM
Thank you!
4 answers
Hi Andrew,
In the problem title you mentioned Testsuite whereas in description you mentioned only test script and Testcase result.
By the execution of Testscript (of course through Testcase Execution Record), Execution Result is generated.
At the time of execution whatever steps were present in the script are copied over to Result. However there after there is no relationship between steps of these two artifact. Note that script can be changed after execution, like some more steps are added, modified or removed. However such modification will not affect the result's step.
I hope it answers your question.
It would be good if you can mention the scenario where you need information in such way.
In the problem title you mentioned Testsuite whereas in description you mentioned only test script and Testcase result.
By the execution of Testscript (of course through Testcase Execution Record), Execution Result is generated.
At the time of execution whatever steps were present in the script are copied over to Result. However there after there is no relationship between steps of these two artifact. Note that script can be changed after execution, like some more steps are added, modified or removed. However such modification will not affect the result's step.
I hope it answers your question.
It would be good if you can mention the scenario where you need information in such way.
Thank you for the answer Pramod! You are correct, I wrote Test Suite instead of Test Script! I apologise for any confusion!
The reason that I asked this question is because I would like to have the description and expected results formatted correctly. By extracting execution results, all formatting is lost (it all appears on one line).
Is there a parameter that will allow me to have the same step format as the test script extraction?
Here is an example using the calls details above.
Extracting a test script I get:
<ns6:description xmlns:ns6=""><div:div xmlns:st1="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" xmlns:v="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="" xmlns:div="">Enterprise System: Web App<br xmlns:div="" /><br xmlns:div="" />Action: Agent clicks on Accounts screen<br xmlns:div="" /><br xmlns:div="" />Involved Interface: Accounts</div:div></ns6:description>
<div:div xmlns="" xmlns:div=""><div xmlns:st1="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" xmlns:v="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:div="" xmlns:w="urn://schemas-microsoft-com:office:word">Enterprise System: Web App Action: Agent clicks on Accounts screen Involved Interface: Accounts</div></div:div></ns7:description>
As you can see, the test result extraction has lost the formatting which is what I would like to preserve.
Have I formatted the call incorrectly?
Best regards,
element is being cleared here by the xml cleaner tool. Can you file a defect against this issue to track it here