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RTC Query Export with the links not showing the work item summary as in UI

praveen patidar (8623544) | asked Jan 20 '15, 1:38 a.m.
 Hello  ,

in one of the requirement we have been asked to export the data from query with the parent work item. In the UI the parent work items are visible with the summary but when you export the result the same is not getting exported. this is affecting the offline reports for the work items. 

HTML export having the links and CSV export is having the #<Work Item ID>. 

I am using RTC 4.0.3


Ralph Schoon commented Jan 20 '15, 3:12 a.m.

I am not sure what the question is, really. It is also not clear what you do and how and what the intended result is.

praveen patidar commented Jan 20 '15, 5:43 p.m.

 Hello Ralph,

Lets assume I have to query on all Stories with Parent Epic. The query result and two exports are differ as described in section below. 

In Query Result I can see 
<Story ID> <Summary> <Parent Epic ID : Summary>

The HTML export result -  
<Story ID> <Summary> <Parent Epic ID as Link>

CSV export result -
<Story ID> <Summary> #<Parent Epic ID>

I want the exports same as query result. Team wants to see the Epic summary in the CSV import so that they can see the Epic summary in the status report itself. Whereas right now all it has is only id of epics.  


One answer

permanent link
Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Jan 20 '15, 10:36 p.m.
Hi Praveen,

This function is not supported in RTC yet. Only linked workitem's id can be exported.
You can vote for the existing RFE ticket:

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