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Can RTC sharing queries function be controlled by role/user ?

Fred Bickford (281832) | asked Sep 24 '15, 8:43 a.m.
I have a large team area , and wish people to collaborate with shared queries to other users, yet looking to reduce the thousands of public queries that could be created in the "Predefined" section of shared queries.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Sep 24 '15, 2:29 p.m.
My observations

Shared queries seem to get organized thus ( Work items/Queries/Shared Queries)

Shared with Project Area goes into the "big pile" under Predefined [ which is represented as a folder ]
Shared to a Team Area goes to a folder named for the team, but displayed only to team members

Then everyone gets an "Individually Shared" folder

I'll leave you to draw your own inferences, but my take is that maybe share queries to team areas instead of the project area.

Fred Bickford commented Sep 24 '15, 2:36 p.m.

Kevin, in this case there is a single Project/Team looking to limit the list as hundreds of users could make this ugly...

Kevin Ramer commented Sep 24 '15, 2:50 p.m.

That's all I got...  There's no apparent organization made explicit in Eclipse or WebUI.   Sounds like a worthwhile improvement.

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