service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet equinoxbridgeservlet in application jazz_war
Anyone knows the cause of this error?
" service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet equinoxbridgeservlet in application jazz_war. Exception created : org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: null argument:Unknown resource ID: BC"
Anyone knows the cause of this error?
" service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet equinoxbridgeservlet in application jazz_war. Exception created : org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: null argument:Unknown resource ID: BC"
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Mar 22 '13, 5:27 a.m.Hello Adrian,
What is the log file you have error message? Is it WAS log or jts.log file? If jts.log, could you look into WAS log (SystemOut.log) to check if you have any errors/warnings there?
Lily Wang
Apr 12 '13, 1:07 a.m.Hi Adrian, the error looks like from WAS log. Hope the technote is helpful.
Otherwise, please provide the problem screenshot and what operation you tried to do.
- Lily