Save conflict - Failed saving work items because they didn't have the most recent state.
2 answers
Yes, that's the expected behaviour of the tool.
The error message is quite self-explanatory.
What's your point?
Hi Miguel,
Well... There is no reason to not to trust the tool, as RTC handles these concurrent modifications in a controlled way. It's the same behaviour as most web-based applications.
Would you prefer the tool to somehow merge the changes? Or maybe connect every second to the server to retrieve the lastest version and lock the work item while others are editing?
I wouldn't.
I have rarely seen any losses when doing the refresh and I have also rarely been impacted by multiple users working on one work item. I am not saying it does not happen. It does with very important items, but I wonder if it happens very frequently, if this is due to an immature process.
I see a lot of back and forth when commenting - where the refresh basically does not loose the new comment I am creating.
Usually very few people, typically only the owner, are actually working on the attributes, where conflicts could potentially cause a loss.
In the planning UI, you might want to use the Auto Save option which makes the likelihood of collisions smaller.
We have huge plans with a couple of thousand work items each, and we've had very few complaints related to parallel editing in years.
Said that, I can't advise on what specific parallel changes will or will not make RTC to cancel the saving operation. As far as I understood, RTC won't cancel it unless there is a real conflict, but
If you think it's showing this error when it should proceed, raise a PMR.
If you have a suggestion to improve the concurrent editing features of the tool, raise an ER.