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5.0.2 Quality Professional License trial

Ivaylo Milkov (2111) | asked Jan 15 '15, 4:15 a.m.
edited Jan 15 '15, 5:07 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
Hello all,

 I have upgraded RTC from version 4.0.5 to version 5.0.2 on test enviroment. Our customer ask us to assign the Quality Professional License.

From product documentation ,section Trial Licensing we can see:
  • To modify source control or build artifacts, activate the Rational Team Concert Developer license key.
  • To modify test management artifacts, activate the Rational Quality Manager Quality Professional license key.
  • To modify requirements management artifacts, activate the Rational DOORS Next Generation Analyst license key.
The problem is ,there is no such license type present on JTS License key Management page. The trial licenses available for Quality Manager is :
Rational Quality Manager5.0    Contributor    Trial          Active    February 25, 2015

My question is:
Is this trial license present on version 5 "Rational Quality Manager Quality Professional license key" or it is dismissed?

Thank you for your time

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Ivaylo Milkov (2111) | answered Jan 20 '15, 5:28 a.m.
Hello Ralph,

RQM is registered with JTS. Anyway I opened PMR and I was provided with Quality Professional trial license key.

Thank you for your time and help,

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 15 '15, 5:06 a.m.
edited Jan 15 '15, 5:06 a.m.
The trial license keys are in general available on all versions, however, the trial period expires after some 60 days once activated. If these trials are expired, they will stay expired, even if you upgrade. You have to upload keys you purchased. I would assume your trial keys have expired.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 15 '15, 5:08 a.m.

In addition, you have to install the Rational Quality Manager Application to get the trials for that application. In the past, I think JTS had all keys, but they got moved to their applications if I remember correctly.

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Ivaylo Milkov (2111) | answered Jan 15 '15, 9:50 a.m.
Hello Ralph,

Thank you for your prompt response. Unfortunately the trial licenses are not expired, neither Rational Quality Manager Application is not installed. The  applications are : JTS,CCM,QM,RM. From IBM installation manager I have installed the Trial Licenses package as well.  We see many licence types, except "Rational Quality Manager Quality Professional" trial license
The problem is that customer use and ask explicitly for this license type


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Ivaylo Milkov (2111) | answered Jan 15 '15, 9:58 a.m.
This is the content of Client Access License Types

5.0 CCM Data Collector Internal 1 1 0

5.0 Data Collector Internal 1 1 0

5.0 QM Data Collector Internal 1 1 0
Rational DOORS Next Generation
5.0 Analyst Trial - 0 -
Active March 14, 2015
Rational Quality Manager
5.0 Connector Included - 2 -
Rational Quality Manager
5.0 Contributor Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
5.0 Contributor Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
5.0 Practitioner Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
5.0 Stakeholder Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Build System Included-50 50 0 50
Rational Team Concert
5.0 ClearCase Synchronizer Included - 0 -
Rational Team Concert
5.0 ClearQuest Synchronizer 1 Included 1 0 1
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Contributor Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Developer
- 0 -

Rational Team Concert
5.0 Developer Trial -

Active February 25, 2015
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Developer 10 Free 10

Rational Team Concert
5.0 Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms Trial - 1 -
Active February 25, 2015
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Everyone
- 0 -
Rational Team Concert
5.0 Stakeholder Trial - 0 -
Active February 25, 2015

5.0 RM Application-Internal Internal 1 1 0

5.0 RM Data Collector Internal 1 1 0

5.0 TRS Consumer-Internal Internal 2 1 1

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 15 '15, 10:05 a.m.

Not sure what could have caused that. I'd open a PMR with support. Is RQM registered to JTS?

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