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How to grant test environments creation permission to role (e.g. team leader)?

Shay ganon (111) | asked Mar 24 '13, 11:16 a.m.
retagged Mar 24 '13, 9:00 p.m. by Laura Kuczarski (21137)
How can I add permissions to create / edit a new test environments values without granting administration permissions ?

RQM version: 4.01

2 answers

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Laura Kuczarski (21137) | answered Mar 24 '13, 9:00 p.m.
Hi Shay,
You should be able to give them  Save Test Environment permissions.  See for details.

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yair shaked (13297) | answered Mar 25 '13, 4:23 a.m.
 thanks laura ,
 i believe what shay meant is to create new lab resource properties (the goal is to provide the capability to add new values or environment types like OS , CPU etc not only for admin )  , that available from "manage project properties " but only available if you admin of the project area   

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