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Configuring DataWarehouse table spaces on Linux DB2 (with WAS and OpenLDAP) CLM 8.5.5

I'm trying to set up CLM 8.5.5 (and eventually RRDI) on Linux/WAS/OpenLDAP using DB2.
The JTS setup step for the Data Warehouse prompts for the following values, and does not seem happy with any thing I have tried to feed it.
Is there documentation on how to configure this that I just haven't found? Or can someone provide some examples of valid values?
Temporary Table Space
Database Table Space Folder
ODS Table Space
ODS Index Table Space
Star Table Space
Star Index Table Space
Schema Prefix
I tried creating a /jazzdw folder since that is the default value for the Database Table Space Folder. What ownership and permissions does it need?
And when it says that the custom Report User must exist in the database, which database is it referring to?
The JTS setup step for the Data Warehouse prompts for the following values, and does not seem happy with any thing I have tried to feed it.
Is there documentation on how to configure this that I just haven't found? Or can someone provide some examples of valid values?
Temporary Table Space
Database Table Space Folder
ODS Table Space
ODS Index Table Space
Star Table Space
Star Index Table Space
Schema Prefix
I tried creating a /jazzdw folder since that is the default value for the Database Table Space Folder. What ownership and permissions does it need?
And when it says that the custom Report User must exist in the database, which database is it referring to?
2 answers

By setting permissions on /jazzdw wide open, I was able to successfully run
cd /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server
./repotools-jts.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/jts/teamserver.properties
./repotools-ccm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/ccm/teamserver.properties
./repotools-rm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties
./repotools-qm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/qm/teamserver.properties
By setting permissions on /jazzdw wide open, I was able to successfully run
cd /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server
./repotools-jts.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/jts/teamserver.properties
./repotools-ccm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/ccm/teamserver.properties
./repotools-rm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties
./repotools-qm.sh -createWarehouse teamserver.properties=conf/qm/teamserver.properties

The best results are achieved when the ID being used for the JDBC connection has at a minimum DBADMIN authority on the database. Of course, the assumption there is that a database already exists.
Locations for the tablespace containers should be fully pathed, but owned by the DB2 instance ID. For example, the db2 instance ID is rtcinst1 and its home directory is /home/rtcinst1. Any location prefixed with /home/rtcinst1 could be used for the creation of tablespace containers providing that you use the id rtcinst1 when the database does not yet exist. The DB2 instance ID by default has full control over the management of the databases and their configurations.
There is a section in the Help under "Rational CLM Solution" / Installing / Setting up a Database which has specific commands to use to create a database, assign authority to some secondary ID ( which must exist on the same db2 platform ) so that the secondary ID can properly create tablespaces, tables, etc.
Setting up DB2 Database
Locations for the tablespace containers should be fully pathed, but owned by the DB2 instance ID. For example, the db2 instance ID is rtcinst1 and its home directory is /home/rtcinst1. Any location prefixed with /home/rtcinst1 could be used for the creation of tablespace containers providing that you use the id rtcinst1 when the database does not yet exist. The DB2 instance ID by default has full control over the management of the databases and their configurations.
There is a section in the Help under "Rational CLM Solution" / Installing / Setting up a Database which has specific commands to use to create a database, assign authority to some secondary ID ( which must exist on the same db2 platform ) so that the secondary ID can properly create tablespaces, tables, etc.
Setting up DB2 Database