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JRS shared libraries not there during CLM 6.0.2 install/upgrade

Morten Madsen (3053250) | asked May 29 '16, 7:04 a.m.
 In the installation steps of CLM 6.0.2 you are asked to:

  1. Select the rs_war check box and click Reference shared libraries.
  2. In the Available list, select JRS Shared Library and click the right arrow.
But there is NOTHING in the "available" list.

Has anyone experienced this?

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 29 '16, 9:06 p.m.
I assume that you're using WAS, as the steps are supposed for WAS. If you have followed the interactive guide, you should have configured the shared library when you reach the said steps. Double check your steps in the section "Set up the WebSphere Application Server". I will show you the very last steps in this section below.
  1. In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console navigation pane, expand Environment and click Shared libraries.
  2. In the Scope list, select Node=MachineNameNode01, Server=server1 and click New.
  3. Enter the shared library name JRS Shared Library, add a description, and set the classpath to: JRS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/WAS_SharedLibrary. For example: /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rs/WAS_SharedLibrary
  4. Under Class Loading, select the Use an isolated class loader for this shared library check box, click Apply, and then click Save.
  5. For changes to take effect, restart the application server.

Morten Madsen selected this answer as the correct answer

Morten Madsen commented May 30 '16, 3:03 a.m.

 Ah, of course, thank you.

The reason I didn't see this, is because I upgraded from 5 -> 6, and if you do this, you get no instructions of how to setup RS, DCC and LQE.

to get this, you have to do a "new install" upgrade guide and skip all the irrelevant steps.

Thanks again Donald.

Donald Nong commented May 30 '16, 3:31 a.m.

I have seen such confusion from a few users recently. When you upgrade some existing applications and add some new applications at the same time, it's a "new installation" for those new applications. For example, if you upgrade RTC from v5 to v6 and decide to start using RQM and RDNG from v6, it will be a "new installation" for both RQM and RDNG.

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