How to completely delete a project area?
2 answers
Thanks Sam. Does anybody have another suggestion?
I agree with Sam ... there is no way in general to purge an entire project area in a way that frees up its space in the database. There are selective deletions you can do for objects can be very large, such as a file version (for when you checked in a gigabyte executable by mistake).
1 vote
I don't know how to actually remove large source repository artifacts.
in some of the later products there is a function to actually delete attachments.
Those are bad news... thanks anyway, Geoffrey and Sam.
I wonder if at least, the project area could be permanently archived so nobody can never use it. What do you think?
the project will show in the archived project list on the web.. it can be unarchived with a click..
you could empty it as best as possible..
delete all the workitems. this will also delete all attachments
and delete all streams and workspaces. I 'think' this will delete the actual changesets...
then change the projects title and archive it again.
Deleting streams and workspaces has no effect on the change sets referenced by those streams and workspaces. If you want to effectively hide a project area so nobody can ever use it, set its read access to "project members only", and remove all project members (then only repo admins will be able to see it).
1 vote
Thanks Geoffrey.