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Anyone else have RTC 5.0.2 client install fails?

It is getting as far as the license agreement screen but dying as soon as I agree to it (or sometimes before I even respond to it).
It is not even getting as far as the screen to select a package to put it in.
I uninstalled the subversion plug-ins but it has not helped.
Anyone know what I need to do to get around this issue and install RTC?
3 answers

Are you using Installation Manager to install the RTC Client? If so, then review the technote below. Probably there are issues with the GTK Libraries
Alternatively you can try a silent install

I doubt the GTK libraries are the problem. My installation manager comes up with correct icons and does not show any of the symptoms mentioned in the support document. Here is the error message I am getting (I removed parts of it to fit the space limitations):

RDI Crashes:
Installation Manger
if you're seeing this crash from IBM Installation Manager (such as the one launched by "IBM Rational Installer", the correct location to add
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RDI 9.1 RI 9.0 suggestion
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