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Anyone else have RTC 5.0.2 client install fails?

Jim Diephuis (22810) | asked Dec 18 '14, 1:02 p.m.
I am trying to install RTC 5.0.2 on a Linux system into a package with RDi 9.1.1. The first time I tried it failed with some message about an incompatability with SVNKIT (I had installed the latest subversion plug ins the day before).  It then asked if I wanted to save the files to that point, or something along those lines. I responded yes to that. (I did not save a snapshot of it because I was not aware of what was to follow.) Ever since then I have been getting the following failure right after or during the install where it is figuring out package compatibilitys:
It is getting as far as the license agreement screen but dying as soon as I agree to it (or sometimes before I even respond to it).
It is not even getting as far as the screen to select a package to put it in.
I uninstalled the subversion plug-ins but it has not helped.
Anyone know what I need to do to get around this issue and install RTC?

3 answers

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Dec 22 '14, 2:56 p.m.
Hi Jim,

Are you using Installation Manager to install the RTC Client? If so, then review the technote below. Probably there are issues with the GTK Libraries

Alternatively you can try a silent install

Jim Diephuis commented Jan 05 '15, 10:15 a.m.

I doubt the GTK libraries are the problem. My installation manager comes up with correct icons and does not show any of the symptoms mentioned in the support document. Here is the error message I am getting (I removed parts of it to fit the space limitations):

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Jim Diephuis (22810) | answered Jan 05 '15, 10:16 a.m.


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Jim Diephuis (22810) | answered Jan 15 '15, 11:59 a.m.
I uninstalled and reinstalled my installation manager and all my rational tools. I was then able to get everything installed. After installation I started to have crashes with RDi. It was then I remembered getting a suggested fix for the crashes from one of my associates (he got it from somewhere else.) It has a fix for the RDi crashes as well as for installation manager. I suspect when I went to IM 1.8 (part of the RTC install) I should have gone into IM and changed  it again. Here are the recommended fixes:

RDI Crashes:

Installation Manger

if you're seeing this crash from IBM Installation Manager (such as the one launched by "IBM Rational Installer", the correct location to add


in to:


RDI 9.1 RI 9.0 suggestion



in to:


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