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Connect CLM V 4 to two seperate LDAPS.

Mark Ireland (26125748) | asked Mar 07 '14, 5:49 a.m.
If I may I will try and outline the issue,

We have a customer that requires both IBM and External users to access a CLM environment.
To this end the CLM system is installed on WAS on Windows.
A TDS system is installed on a separate windows system.

A federated LDAP has been set up on WAS, this points to both Bluepages and our bespoke TDS box. From which we seem to be able to see both servers and look at both sets of groups and users.
On CLM system, we do not see the TDS system users or groups, just the BluePages ones. We are told that this is a quick and simple fix to allow the CLM system to see both LDAPS, and import users etc from both.

That in a knutshell is our issue, can you assist please?

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Mar 07 '14, 5:56 a.m.
As far as I know, it's not possible to easily sync Jazz with two LDAPs.
Please see the following WIs that address that:

There is a manual process that you can follow, which basically consists of syncing with each LDAP separately, one at a time, but it's hardly a "quick and simple fix".

Mark Ireland commented Mar 07 '14, 6:01 a.m.


What is the manual method please? Have you details we can follow?
Thank you in advance.

Piotr Aniola commented Mar 07 '14, 6:20 a.m.

This is covered by the following article:
Manual process is basically reconfiguring the server to only use one LDAP (the one that does not auto-sync), sync with that LDAP, than reconfigure back to two LDAP mode.

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