Odd errors just recently debugging a Plugin
I've had a Debug configuration for months now, and just today, when I started it up for Jetty, I am getting odd errors that are catching in a FileNotFoundException starting things.
For example, FileNotFoundException for C:\\Users\\My_ID\\.accessibility.properties and
C:\\RTC40Dev\\workspaces\\Dev2\\server\\conf\\jazz\\indices\\_cRNJALlIEeOoura6qLHLdw\\jfs-rdfhistory\\this.info, C:\\RTC40Dev\\workspaces\\Dev2\\server\\conf\\jazz\\indices\\_cRNJALlIEeOoura6qLHLdw\\jfs-rdfindex\\this.info, C:\\RTC40Dev\\workspaces\\Dev2\\WS\\.metadata\\.plugins\\org.eclipse.pde.core\\ALL plugins - Jetty RTC Server\\.settings\\org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.osgi.prefs
I get like 10 of these (different files) just getting Jetty to start.
Any ideas?? I've been using the same configuration for months and it just started today.