RTC within IntelliJ IDEA

3 answers

We are currently investigating on a RTC plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. As of now, we have a prototype with a few version control use cases. We will keep you posted on the progress we make.
Until then, if you are on Windows, you can use the RTC Shell client, or CLI if not.
Here's the RFE where you can add your vote: IntelliJ IDEA integration (358932)

Awesome news! Let me know if you guys need alpha/beta tester for RTC (without Git integration, standard RTC versioning).

Thank you, your feedback will help a lot, I will contact you when we are there.
Does this link work?

Awesome! Thanks!
No it's not working. I think it may be a DNS problem, or a firewall problem. But it's strange because it happens also using my phone (both with Chrome).

Our support team suggested that you clear cache, restart browser and try again.

I switched to Firefox and it's working. Thanks anyway!
I voted for the issue. Will you keep us updated via RFE?

I switched to Firefox and it's working. Thanks anyway!
I voted for the issue. Will you keep us updated via RFE?

Gald that worked. Sure, I will link the RFE with our development tasks.

Can I post comments on the RFE?

You can, let me know if that doesn't work for you.

while i know this is old , i just encountered this thread :
* query, search and open tasks from interllij as with rtc just like other issue repository,
* analyze the stacktrace in the task if one exists.
the main problem is that the recent changes in intellij 2021 jre class loading behavior (which i opened a bug on https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-266207 ) cause the plugin to completely fail . i'm hoping they will fix it eventually.