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Prohibit deletion of important snapshots or find a way to recover deleted snapshots.

1. Restriction via elaborate permission settings in PA/TAs
2. Restriction via a script which checks a certain patterns in the names of the snapshots. E.g. name contains the word "release"...
3. Restriction via a script which checks the linkage between a snapshot and a release WI.
Unfortunately none of those methods are sufficient for us.
A. But now the global configuration comes in. I would like to know whether it is possible to somehow use this to prevent the users from deleting important snapshots?
B. The other thing: there is a article , which is saying: " Deleting a snapshot only disassociates the snapshot from the currently associated stream or workspace. The deleted snapshots are preserved in the repository." That means there should be a way to find this deleted snapshot and associate it to a stream again? Please let me know how to find the deleted snapshot.
2 answers

In the Eclipse Client there is a capability to search for snapshots and other SCM content. Go to Search>Jazz Source control to use it. There are several parameters such as creator, name etc, you could use.

Thanks for the fast answer, but I would have maybe also an answer to following questions:
Question A: how to make deletion of Snapshots & Streams depends on the upcoming Global Configurations (GC)
Question B: if the Snapshot is deleted (also disassociated from the Stream), there should be a possibility to find it again (as described in the link), but if I try to search for the deleted SS, then it is no more findable.

A: I can't comment on upcoming/planned functionality. However, my assumption is that his will refer to the baselines and not the snapshots. A snapshot is just a convenient way to mark and group the baselines it contains. It creates a baseline if a component is in a state that is not selected by a baseline. It uses the existing baseline if it exists and only creates a new one if you enforce it.
B: If you delete a snapshot it is gone and no longer exists. Searching would not help. Searching would only help if the snapshot has a new owner and you don't know which. What will still remain are the baselines that the snapshot selected.