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How to differentiate Invalid and Completed task under Links in workitem

Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | asked Oct 20 '14, 6:00 a.m.
For the status of "complete" and "Invalid" for a workitem workflow , we associate a state group and OSLC group..
Say, for Completed State, i mark a tick icon and for Invalid state i set a cross mark icon.

When i look at the parent workitem under the Links information, the ones that are "Open" are not strikedthrough and for the ones "In-Progress" it has the In-Progress icon. However, the rest is categorized as strikedthrough and closed.

I would like to have a new state category for differentiating the Invalid workitems . For now, as both Completed and Invalid ones are mapped to Closed state group, both are strikedthrough and have a tick icon.

Is there any way, the Invalid ones could be differentiated from completed ones ?

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